Since 1994, Friends of Canoa has dedicated their efforts to preserving the land, history and heritage of the 335,000 acre Historic Canoa Ranch property, located at the base of Madera Canyon.
Our mission is to preserve, restore, and interpret the rich cultural heritage of Canoa Ranch through the creation of a community-based museum, centered at but not limited to the Historic Canoa Ranch Complex.
Celebrating the peoples of the Santa Cruz River – Hohokam, O’odham, Yoeme (Yaqui), Apache, Spanish, Mexican, and Anglo-American – from pre-Columbian times to the present through educational outreach for the benefit of the public.
The Character of Affairs of the corporation is to engage in fundraising that continues our outreach efforts, and in the collection of historic personal property, memorabilia, preservation of photographic and written records, and preservation of the memories of persons associated with the Historic Canoa Ranch.
The Friends of Canoa Heritage Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the experience of the visitor to Canoa with their “VISIT CANOA” projects which educate and engage the public.

by Colleen Whitaker, published September 17, 2018
