Friends of Redington Pass (FRP) advocates for the responsible stewardship of the Redington Pass area, balanced recreational and resource uses and the preservation of its ecological, scenic, and cultural resources. Friends of Redington Pass is actively working to improve conditions in Redington Pass, restore its scenic qualities, protect its natural features, and assure a safe and clean environment for all recreational users. Friends of Redington Pass includes people with diverse interests including bikers, hunters, OHV riders, hikers, ranchers, naturalists, target shooters, and nearby residents. We work with the Coronado National Forest, AZ Game and Fish, Pima County, Saguaro National Park and other agencies and stakeholders to advance sound forest area planning, conservation and clean up, and road and trail management in the Pass. Redington Pass is a high mountain pass located within the Coronado National Forest between the Santa Catalina Mountains and the Rincons in northeast Pima County just east of Tucson, AZ.